Watch out for FAKE emails about the chance to win supermarket vouchers.
There has been an increase in these types of e-mails recently.
If you receive one, forward it to: report@phishing.gov.uk
Your reports have helped to remove 184,000 malicious sites as of Sept ’22.
Gwyliwch allan am e-byst FFUG sy’n honni i roi y cyfle i chi ennill talebau archfarchnadoedd.
Mae cynnydd wedi bod yn y mathau yma o e-byst yn ddiweddar.
Os byddwch yn derbyn e-bost fel hyn, anfonwch ef ymlaen at: report@phishing.gov.uk
Mae eich adroddiadau wedi helpu i gael gwared ar 184,000 o safleoedd maleisus hyd at fis Medi ’22.